Better Individuals make Better Societies, Better Societies make Better Tomorrow and a Better Tomorrow make a Better World

Established in 1982 under the aegis of Al-Ameen Educational Society

The college is a nurturing ground & constantly seeking to upgrade the quality of Education
by actively participating in research & skill development so as to remain always on the cutting edge.


Diploma in Pharmacy (D. Pharm)

Diploma in Pharmacy is a two-year full-time diploma course that prepares individuals to work as a community pharmacist, Clinical Pharmacist, Data Analyst, Retail Pharmacist, Research Scientist.

Bachelor in Pharmacy (B. Pharm)

It is a 4-year undergraduate course in the field of Pharmacy that deals with health and chemical science. Jobs Opportunities after B Pharm Analytical Chemist, Drug Therapist, Food and Drug Inspector, Chemical Technician.

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm. D)

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D) is a six-year professional course, Scope of Pharm D is Clinical Pharmacist, Medical Writer, Supply Logistics leader, CRPF, Quality Assurance Manager.

Pharm. D (Post Baccalaureate)

PharmD (PB) curriculum focuses on core pharmacy practice courses integrated with practical training in the clinical settings in the first two years, followed by one year in a full-time internship.

Master in Pharmacy (M. Pharm)

M Pharm is a two-year professional course and is one of the coveted specializations, Some of the attractive Pharmacy job opportunities are Quality Control, Medical Writing, Clinical Research, Regulatory.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D)

Doctor of Philosophy is a doctoral research degree, after the completion of the degree work as a Consultant, as Product Manager, as an Entrepreneur.

Campus Happenings


Established under aegis of the Al-Ameen Educational Society in 1983, the College has been a nurturing ground for pharmaceutical professionals.